The Maria Nobrega Associata ( Romania) was established in 2008 as an arm of the Maria Nobrega Foundation see which is active in Brazil, the United Kingdom, the United States, Italy and Libya. Asociata board members: Mrs. Elizabeth Tsakiroglou
Colonel Michael Carrington
Mrs. Katherine Dimancescu
Mr. Dan Dimancescu
The von Sternburg House was restored with financial support from the Carrington/Tsakiroglou and Dimancescu families. It will serve as an administrative and meeting place for HRH’s activities in Transylvania.
For more information about Arkeden/Archita Go To
Archita Clinic Project launched May 2013 Go To
Visit by HRH The Prince of Wales to Archita, Transylvania Hosted by The Maria Nobrega Foundation
May 31, 2013
Top rt: View of Archita Church and restored von Sternburg House on left Mid: HRH arriving in Archita
Mid lft: Greeting by Mrs. Tsakiroglou and Col. Carrington Mid rt: Col Carrington and Hnry Consul Dimancescu
Left: First visit of HRH to Archita in May of 2011 see; pictured: Mrs. Dimancescu on left, Pieto Laureano (Italy – partially hidden), Hnry Cnsl Dimancescu, HRH, Mrs. Tsakiroglou (idden)