Alina-Georgiana Focsineanu, 15 years old, is a student at the Mihai Bacescu High School in the town of Falticeni, Northern Moldavia. She has maintained a first place academic ranking in her classes throughout her school life. She has been recipient of academic and other awards for her community service. She has developed a passion for journalism – among her other interests – and spends free time doing interviews and writing about local or visiting personalities. She wants to study International Relations and prepare for a career as a diplomat and university professor of history.
Romanian (c.v.)
M-am nascut in “Locul unde nu se intampla nimic” la 6 octombrie 1990.
Am urmat intre 1998-2002 cursurile scolii primare la Scoala Generala cu clasele I-VIII Nr. 2 “ion Irimescu” din Falticeni, perioada in care am participat la concursuri de sah, unde am obtinut locurile I,II, III, mentiune si diplome de participare.
Din 2002 urmez cursurile scolii generale la Grupul Scolar “Mihai Bacescu” din Falticeni. Am continuat cu sahul, obtinand premiile I si II. In aceasta perioada am avut o activitate foarte bogata:
Sunt colaborator la revista “Dumbrava Minunata”, “Opinia-Da” si corespondent cu revista “Lumea Credintei”.
Top: with teacher Mioara Gafencu;
Middle Bt: Portait; meeting with famed Falticeni sculptor Ion Irimescu and Dr. Eliot Sorel of Washington, D.C.; Mihai Bacescu H.S |
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