Alpinist (Romania, Europe, Caucasus) Author of Lacrima de Piatra, Brasov 2003) and Avalansa (Brasov 1993) Co-Founder of
Salvamont (National Mountain Rescue Service – volunteer)
B-dul Garri nr 20, ap 169, Brasov
Tel/Fax: 0040-(0)723 440 930
e-mail: mirceanoaghiu@brasov.astral.ro
CLICKon any photo to enlarge
Above: Route map for scaling Lacrima de Piatra (click map to enlarge)
Left: Noaghiu scaling a vertical wall in his early climbing days
Above: Mircea Noaghiu using alpine skills to assist in UNESCO funded restoration of the ‘Black Church’ in Brasov
Top: In Bran
Bttm: Scouting trip for Salvamont refuge location in Fagaras Mnts w. Mr. Moja (Bran) and Mr. Opris of salvamont