… the administrative presidential Cotroceni National Museum and Mr. Ovidiu Sandor, faddist
Each year, presidential and administrative Cotroceni National Museum Day Europe devotes a series of cultural events. This year, in partnership with the European Commission Representation in Romania and in collaboration with the Romanian Academy Library, Museum Bras¸ov County History, National Museum Complex “Court” of Targoviste, Astronomical Observatory “Amiral Vasile Urseanu” Mr. Ovidiu Sandor, collector, we invite Saturday, 9 May 2009, at 13.oo at the exhibition inauguration mirror mapping in Europe, a voyage in the mapping of old XV-XVIII, the maps of particular value, some of them unique or rare editions. The event opens in Romania and the series of activities marking the European Year of Creativity and Innovation, which aims to promote the role of creativity and innovation in developing personal, social and economic encouragement of good practices, stimulating education, research and debate on topics cesti.
Also, due to the fact that 2009 was declared by the United Nations and UNESCO —
Year of astronomy, the exhibition will include astronomical instruments of the century XIX.
Participate in this event Mr Leonard Orban, European Commissioner for Multilingualism.
Through this exhibition, the organizers and proposed to capture both the evolution of image old continent
up its history and that of the mapping, starting with the first representations of Europe in the XVth century, continuing with the major schools of European cartography, maps to the first modern occurring during the XVII century. Mapping the evolution of independent scientists was closely related to the progress of printing.
Among the most important exhibition of the documents mention incunabulum – Chronicle of Nuremberg and maps signed by the founders of modern mapping (Gerhard Mercator, Abraham Ortelius), representatives of major European school of cartography, appeared in XVII century (Guilelmus Blaeu – Dutch school, Guillaume de l’Isle, Nicolas Sanson, Nicolas de Fer – French school, Johann Baptist Homann – German school). Romanian Principalities are also present in the exhibition, either through creation of mapping out, for example Johaness Honterus, or Stolnicul Dimitrie Cantemir Constantin Cantacuzino, or by representations of space in Romanian maps Giuseppe Rosaccio, Abraham Ortelius and Nicolas Sanson.
The exhibition will be open between 9 – 3O May 2009 in the areas of Medieval Cotroceni National Museum, and can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday 9.30 – 17.30
“Europe Reflected in Early Cartography”
Organized by the Cotroceni National Museum, the Romanian Presidential Administration and the Representation of the European Commission in Romania. The exhibition contains maps and atlases from the Romanian Academy Library, the Brasov County Museum of History, the Ovidiu Sandor Collection and the National Museum Targoviste.
The exhibition presents the way in which European cartography have been depicting the European continent, from the 15th to the 19th century. Visitors can admire the Europe map from the famous Nuremberg Chronicle, next to the Chronicle itself, maps and atlases by the major cartographers of their time, like Gerhard Mercator, Abraham Ortelius, Guilelmus Blaeu, Nicolas Sanson or Vicenzo Coronelli. A special attention is given to the maps by the most important local cartographers, like Johannes Honter, Prince Dimitrie Cantemir and Constantin Cantacuzino.
Open between May 9th and May 30th, 2009. Location is Cotroceni Museum. Open Tuesdays to Sundays, 9:30-17:30. Photo ID needed for access. “